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How do I get the right staffing agency for my organization?

Updated: Feb 12

The goal of getting staff from agencies is to provide adequate and quality service to our service users. But the key to providing adequate and quality service depends on the support staff joining your team.

Without the right staff, you will not succeed and your CQC rating will constantly struggle to go up.

If the agencies you work with do not understand you needs, your problems or motivation for seeking extra support, all you get is sub-standard service.

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One solution to fix this problem is a Relationship based approach to business partnership with agencies.

Here are three key pointers on relationship-based approaches to business deals in staff augmentation.

1. Who are they? For many businesses are in for profit and a few are willing to listen to you. Registering with several agencies will give you staff when required but the quality of your service is compromised. Get into an agreement with a company that understands your business needs.

2. Show me your partnerships and I will tell you your future - How much do you know about the leadership of your partnerships. Any company you agree to work with means you are in partnership. The quality of leadership is one of the most important determinants of service quality hence CQC is interested in how well-led your organisation is.

3. Organisational culture - Staffing agency for my organization, It is important that your provider understands your organisational culture. When your organisation gets supporting staff who admire and aspire to be one of you, you can trust them to do the right thing. When your values are clear, getting the right people becomes easier.


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