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College Dorm
Loft Style Studio Apartment

Supported Living

Thank you for choosing RCL Supported Living - a specialised service that provides safe housing options and support for young people between the ages of 16 and 25 who have experienced significant trauma in life. We understand the unique challenges that these young people face, and our trained staff offer the necessary care, support, and guidance to help them overcome their trauma.


Our services are designed to help young people achieve their goals and aspirations, leading to long-term success. We work hand in hand with our clients, keeping open communication to empower them in their journey towards healing and independence. Transparency and accountability are our top priorities. We work closely with commissioners and funders to ensure we meet the highest standards and leave no room for error. Our ultimate aim is to become the preferred specialised service for young people throughout the UK.


While our head office is in Leeds, we are committed to providing our services to young people nationwide. We aspire to instil confidence in our clients by being fully equipped to provide them with the necessary support and care on their journey towards healing and recovery. We are delighted to work with you and support your journey towards a brighter future, and we leave no stone unturned to ensure you receive the best possible care and support.

Feeding Reptile Pet


We are dedicated to supporting young individuals who have experienced significant childhood trauma. Our team of highly skilled professionals is well-equipped to handle the complex challenges these individuals face. We use a person-centred approach to ensure that each young person is treated as an individual, with the necessary support and choices to achieve their goals. Our restorative practice framework creates a safe and supportive environment that promotes healing, growth and learning. We partner with social care, education, and healthcare providers to offer holistic support to our young people. Our team is passionate about helping young people overcome trauma and achieve their full potential.


Whom we support. 
The categories of young people who fit into our service user description include but are not limited to: 
•    Young people who have experienced physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.
•    Young people who have witnessed domestic violence or other traumatic events.
•    Young people who have experienced neglect or other forms of maltreatment.
•    Young people have been in the state’s care, such as those in foster care or adopted. 
•    Young people who have experienced trauma related to their involvement in the criminal justice system or have been victims of criminal exploitation, including sexual exploitation. 

Why RCL Supported Living Services
At RCL, your safety, well-being, and a healthy lifestyle are our top priorities. 
•    We believe that you should have a say in all decisions regarding your life, and we're committed to working closely with you to ensure that your needs are met, and your voice is heard. 
•    Our team has high aspirations for you and will do everything in our power to help you achieve your full potential, whether you're still in school or seeking new opportunities. 
•    Communication is vital, and we'll always listen to your thoughts and feelings and keep you informed about what's ahead. 
•    We take pride in celebrating your accomplishments, no matter how small they may be. 
•    We understand that everyone needs a support system, and we'll strive to connect you with a diverse range of individuals who can help you on your journey. 
•    Life is full of exciting experiences, and we're dedicated to helping you explore your interests, try new things, and grow.


Our Homes 
We offer shared, modern properties specifically designed to meet the needs of young people. Our fully furnished properties include all the amenities you need to live comfortably, such as Wi-Fi and security systems. We take pride in maintaining our properties and ensuring that they are always up-to-date and fit for purpose. We believe everyone deserves a safe and supportive place to call home, and we are committed to providing just that to the young people we work with.

















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